Read about Charles Mansfield's journey and the Rhino Challenge.


Learn about my beneficiary, their important work and how your sponsorship can make a difference.


Learn about the Freedom Challenge and the 2013 Race Across South Africa.





Sunday, 16 June 2013

Navigation nightmare in the stormberg

Hi all, apologies for not posting until now...reception issues... What can be said about today!!?? First 50km were the most difficult if ever ridden...less than10km/h average!! with over 4000m vertical ascent of which much of this saw the bike catching a lift on my shoulders! Then from the ntsikeni support station, my plan was to cover the next 100km in the afternoon and evening...NOT!!! About 10km out I took a turn too soon and ended up in completely the wrong valley. This 28km section of the route was supposed to take me about 3 hours, instead I wondered around in the pitch black wilderness for more than 6 hours. This has forced me to spend the night at an emergency stop, totally exhausted but glad to be back on the route. My intended 150km for the day only saw 80km completed. Time to stay calm, I'm sure things will improve. As for the Freedom trail, incredible scenery so far and a real privilege to be riding it. The body is screaming for me to stop with many aches developing all over...hopefully the mind can keep those voices out! Off to bed now, another early start tomorrow. Cheers, Charles

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Freedom challenge .... Eventually!

And so it started.... eventually... After all the months of training, setting up bikes and bags, shopping for the right gear, and lately serious carbo loading! When the Pietermaritzburg town hall bell chimed at 6 this morning,  the 5 riders of today's batch took off... No starting gun, no banners, no coffee cart, no ra ra girls.... Just the riders, a handful of supporters and dave... Oh and the clock...  Charles started in a batch with robbie and christo who are both first time FC riders. The nienaber brothers also started with them on a tandem - that should be fun to watch... Especially when they have to carry the bike in some areas... The 2 other riders with them is stopping in Rhodes. 
The general consensus is that the winner of this year might come out of this batch of riders, but it's still very early days ... And there is a cold front coming.... :) 

Charles getting ready to start....

Today's batch of riders outside town hall this morning, waiting for the bell.

Friday, 14 June 2013

The night before

I can't believe we are here! Tomorrow these wheels start turning...

Friday, 31 May 2013

Freedom Challenge 2013 rig

Finally completed my Freedom Challenge rig. This is the machine and back pack that will hopefully be carrying me over 2350km from Pietermaritzburg to Paarl. Total bike weight including full water bottles, fully packed saddle bad and top tube pouch is 15 kilos. Complete back pack and map pouch including 2,5 litres of water inside comes to 9 kilos. Two weeks to launch date, the butterfly's inside have grown into the size of rock pigeons and have totally lost formation, charging around inside me like a bunch of deranged bats. I need this thing to come now.....

Friday, 17 May 2013

Freedom Challenge food preparations...

So the days are getting less and the support boxes needs to be packed. Fruit cake baked and ready for cutting and wrapping.... The big question is... To brandy or not to brandy??

Friday, 19 April 2013

testing testing 123...

Today the eastern freestate has thrown its best at me with pouring rain, deep slimy slippery mud, howling wind and icy single digit temperature....perfect chance to put some of my Freedom Challenge gear to the test....outcome...great success! Even although I only spent 3 hours out there, I got back home nice'n dry & cozy. Yes the Freedom trail will definitely throw much more at me, but with just the few items I was wearing, nice to know that I'm on the right track. Roll on June 15!!

Friday, 8 March 2013

Freedom Challenge taster

Found this on Glenn Harrison's blogspot. Some interesting facts comparing Freedom Challenge to other well known biking events. Read these and shed a little tear for me....

Riding 2300k’s in 26 days sounds quite achievable to your average road cyclist but to ride / hike-a-bike, this distance on footpaths, tracks and trails in the middle of winter whilst climbing a cumulative altitude of 47000 metres is a remarkable accomplishment and one realized by the 28 riders who competed in the 2010 Freedom Challenge Race across South Africa. Only 16 finished!

                        Freedom Challenge   Tour de France    Cape Epic

Distance                 2300km                  3600km            650-1000km

Vertical Ascent       47km                      25km*               14-18km

Tar                         <100km                  3600km                ?

Gates                     >100                          0                        0

*Only includes all the category climbs

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Navigation giggles

Hi Everyone!

As I've mentioned in my description of the freedom challenge, one of the biggest issues, especially for first time riders (rookies) like myself, is navigating the route correctly and dealing with many unforeseen 'surprise' obstacles along the way. Well tonight we received an email from race office regarding numerous issues in our preparation for the event. Just had to share one of the sections that was included in the mail...might just give you a small insight into what we may have to deal with on route.  Have a read:

"13. Access

There are a few places on the route where access remains an issue. We remain satisfied that these are public routes and there is no legal basis for preventing riders utilising these routes. But just so that you are aware of the locations they are:

i. After van de Venterskraal over Koedoeskop (you might need to contend with an electric fence – but the guy living at the main gate has the key);

ii. Out of Gamkaskloof via the Ladder (you might need to climb over a new game gate);

iii. After Rouxpos through the northern section of Anysberg (you might need to content with a disgruntled Mr Meiring who is trying to get the road deproclaimed);

iv. Coeniesrivier on the way to Kasra (you may need to contend with getting lost if its dark)."

Apologies for the long post but just had to share this...

So far training going great, body just a tad drained after extended high intensities. So just taking some time out to prevent over extending. Thanks again to all supporters, funds are mounting slowly but surely.
Let's do it for our rhinos people.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Bumping up the training intensity

So base training is nearing the end at last...yeeeehaaa!!! Now at least I get to start doing some of the fun stuff again, some lung bursting and technical climbs along with all sorts of hair raising descents. Getting a good feel for the back pack that I'll be using on Freedom Challenge...sits really well and doesn't bother me too much.
One of the big positives getting out to these remote places in training are the stunning views you get treated to. These photos are taken from one of the amazing view points, and the road back down...not called the 'mineshaft' for nothing...
Thanks again to all those that have donated so far. The numbers are starting to roll!!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Wind & Wine!

Well folks, afraid there aren't any great fotos to share this week, had a couple of encounters with the standard "puffadder on the trail" stuff but unfortunately nothing worth capturing on camera. Slightly better than average week managing to top 18 hours on the bike. Today's ride was however the best sesion, spending about 5h30 on the bike with at least 60km of brutal head wind, combined with getting lost in the flatlands of the eastern freestate. Anyway, once my orientation skills came together and I could find my way through to Adelaid farm owned by the Beukes's, I was treated to the best lunch and plenty of beer & wine to go with the amazing food. All in all, rode 130km today on windy flatlands...great training. People who think that cycling flat country is simple....hmmmm??? Lucky Heids was there to join for lunch and drive a slightly over endulged 'me' home....gotta love training.. ;-) Next week is lining up to be a real tester as I need to scrounge together about 25 hours on the saddle and put in an honest days work aswell...."focus!!" Highlights of the week saw Lancers Inn Maseru come on-board as Title sponsers for my Freedom Challenge participation...many thanks to Johnny & Kathryn!!! Then to all those that have contributed to Rhino Challenge 2013 sofar....You are all know who you are. On a sad note to finish...January 2013 saw 59!!! Rhinos killed in poaching activity.. :-((( We need to stand together to make a difference people....!!!
Yours truly in riding for those BEAUTIFUL RHINOS!!!


Saturday, 19 January 2013


Well, that's the Attakwas extreme done. My first training race in preparation for Freedom Challenge 2013.... As much as it was a suffer fest of note, I'm really happy with current state of this stage I'm just doing long slow base training without any high intensity 'pain' threshold training and I still managed to finish in same time as last year when I was well advanced in training for all good. The route resembled much of what I will be facing at FC so really chuffed to be able to stress myself out in these conditions. I also made a point of riding by myself the whole time...something that FC will require....just a note of congratulations to my friend Eric Kleinhanse who pulled of a podium spot today as well as his wife Ariane....the real deal!!! Time now for some r&r with my gorgeous wife and some Chardonnay next to the ocean....cheers till next time.

Attakwas 2013

Charles getting ready for his first training race in preparation of the freedom challenge. Oudtshoorn to Groot Brak, 130 km later....

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Introduction - Rhino Challenge

Dear Family and Friends

This is my first post, hopefully of many, on what’s happening in 2013. As you will have noticed, I have just recently launched a blog site and facebook page that will be covering my Freedom Challenge training/preparation and then the event itself. There are still sections on the blog page that need to be completed, such as sponsorship process etc. these details should all be available shortly.
In November last year my application to participate in the 2013 Freedom Challenge was accepted. More information on the Freedom Challenge in a minute.

As many of you will know, I competed in the 2012 ABSA Cape Epic thanks to the very generous sponsorship from Lancers Inn, Maseru. Partnering up with Malcolm Heathfield, team Lancers Inn managed to finish just inside the top 100 out of 600 teams on grand classification, not a bad result considering this being our first Cape Epic, the intensity and difficulty of this event!
The Freedom Challenge is an event of a very different nature. Unlike the ABSA Cape Epic which is a fully supported multi-stage team event, the Freedom Challenge is a non-stop, solo and unsupported event, starting in Pietermaritzburg and finishing 2300 kilomters later just outside Paarl in the western cape. Over and above the distance and difficulty of the route, the event is held in the heart of winter with competitors facing extreme weather conditions, especially while crossing the southern Drakensburg/Maluti mountain ranges, where temperatures will be plummeting deep into the sub-zero numbers. Each rider will need to carry all clothing and spares in a back-pack, while food and other items can be sent forward in 2 litre containers to the checkpoints that the rider will be passing. Participants will be starting in batches between the 9th and 19th of June 2013, depending on the estimated pace of the rider. Slower riders start first with the faster competing riders starting last. To make it just that bit more fun, competitors are not permitted to make use of GPS devices for navigation. A pre-defined route needs to be navigated by 1:50000 topographical maps and compass only! The rider will pass 25 stations along the route where food and beds are on offer. For riders attempting to complete the route as quickly as possible, most of these stations are merely places to check in, grab food and keep moving. Therefore much of the recovery and rest happens on the bike and outside on the trail where average daily rest barely exceeds 3-4 hours....unfortunately I will be in this category of competitor..."whoop whoop!!" As for the route itself, if one could imagine a line looping down from Pietermaritzburg, crossing the southern drakensburg, moving under the shadow of the escarpment passing below Lesotho, through the eastern cape and on into the Karoo, through the Baviaans kloof, then along and over the Groot Swartberg mountains, leading into the western cape and finally crossing over the DuToits kloof pass down into Paarl. The full Freedom Challenge Race Across South Africa will generally see a 50% success rate amongst competitors. The prize? a complementary pizza and a finishers Basotho blanket.
Essentially the Freedom Challenge is not about lights and glamor, but more the very humbling experience of crossing this beautiful country of ours on a mountain bike while completing South Africa's toughest ultra-endurance event.
With regards to funding, my thinking for the Freedom Challenge is to involve as many of you as I can in tackling this event full-on. I have gained permission from the event organizers to compete on behalf of the Project Rhino KZN, under the African Wildlife Trust. The aim is obviously to assist in raising what I can to donate funds in helping fight this dreadful scourge of Rhino poaching that has infested this breath-taking country of ours.
My request is a simple one: who would like to be involved in the form of sponsoring per kilometre or even just making a random contribution? Any donation will make a massive difference and will be appreciated so much. Cost for participation which includes entry, food and gear is in the region of R20 000,00 all excess funds will be donated to Project Rhino KZN, which is managed under the African Conservation Trust. For those of you keen to support, please encourage friends and businesses alike to get involved.
I will certainly welcome any comments or ideas from anyone at this stage, but for now, I would like to measure the level of participation following this email. I would really appreciate a reply from those who might be keen to support this adventure and ultimately the Rhinos who are facing a MUCH larger and more serious 'Freedom Challenge' of their own.
For anyone wanting to read up on the Freedom Challenge and Project Rhino KZN, you can do so at the following addresses:  Freedom Challenge  ; Project Rhino KZN
I look forward to everyone's response
Kind regards

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Charles's mountainbiking story:

After school and university, I got wrapped up in the business world and really let my state of physical health slip into the doldrums. Absolutely no excercising discipline existed which went completely against everything I stood for. Following desperate attempts to try and turn my state of health around, even leaving Johannesburg for Cape Town, conditions worsened. My lowest moment came when I got onto one of those non-digital, rotating dial scales that only measured to 125 kilograms....confusion turned to disbelief and then shock when the scale read 15 kilograms!!! had gone full circle, passed begin, collected another dohnut and settled on 15...I was weighing more than 140kilos!!! Something drastic needed to Heids and I decided to move to the sleepy little town of Ladybrand in the eastern Freestate.